The Senior Director of basic development and creative learning at the Institute of Public Administration Mohamed Al-Saba'a stated that more than 95% of public sector employees want electronic education and training, and that more than 90% wish for actual learning and development, while the real rate of obtaining training courses for an employee during a year is ranging from one to three training courses, these results were based on a exploratory study conducted by the Institute on a sample of 300 employees, who attended training courses at the Institute's premises.
This came during a meeting which took place with training officials of government bodies and ministries, to introduce to them the strategy of basic development and creative learning that seeks to establish an integrated electronic environment which provide training opportunities and help individual to learn, where the Institute recently launched free of charge e-training courses to all staff of government bodies and ministries.
For his part, Mr. Al-Saba'a clarified that the free e-training courses include 6 courses in Arabic and 17 courses in English, and provide a trainee the right to choose the place of training, whether at work or outside working hours, where registration for courses starts at the beginning of each month and ends on the 15th of each month, through training officials in various bodies and ministries, and the trainee is provided, after passing the training course, a certificate of attendance from the institute, where the institute aims by carrying out these training courses for self-development in the area of trainee preference in addition to his field of specialization.
During the meeting, open discussion took place to write down notes and discuss developments related to electronic training, where the role of officials was clarified starting from promoting a culture of electronic courses as alternative for traditional courses, and follow-up trainees, applications for registration in addition to keeping a record of training hours and coordination with the Information Systems section to provide the needs of courses and speeding up the registration process.
It is worth mentioning that the Institute of Public Administration aspires to be a place of excellence in e-training in the public sector, supporting sustainability plans by providing appropriate training environments for various specialized sectors, in addition to providing consultation services and models development processes such as the financial manual of the Ministry of Finance, which the Institute developed to suit the training needs of the Ministry.