Recently, the Institute of Public Administration launched free of charge e-training courses to staff of government authorities and ministries, in a new initiative to raise the efficiency of public sector employees, where these courses are based on the latest designs to raise the quality of training outputs.
On the occasion, senior director for basic development and creative learning at the Institute of Public Administration Mohamed Al-Saba'a indicated that the institute aims at taking this step to make the employee a model, so to train electronically on various skills according to his/her needs to develop personal aspect without being bound by courses in accordance to training needs.
He added that these e-courses which offered in both Arabic and English, gives the employee the freedom to choose the time and place as deemed appropriate to run his training experience without restriction, also help to keep the working time, therefore employee is no longer restricted to training during working hours.
These free courses helps training officials on diversification in their training plan to burnish talents and continue the training process without being restricted by planned budgets, also these courses open, by providing training advantages, the horizon before leaders to push staff to a continuous loop of capacity development and skills improvement to create a second row of qualified staff at all levels and in different fields.
It is worth mentioning that the courses are in Arabic language and include six core courses as follows; developing skills of management improvement, dispute resolution, customer service as well as the basics of leadership and communication strategies, financial guide – payments, along with English courses ranging from skills development, leadership and management, that all can be found and start to register and enjoy education and training, as soon as visiting the site of the Institute of Public Administration www.bipa.gov.bh.