Director General of the Institute of Public Administration (BIPA) and Chairman of the Training Development Committee in Public Sector, HE Dr. Raed Mohammed bin Shams has said that Public Administration Maser Degree was designed to serve the needs of and promote the government action through preparing government leaders to be able to make decisions and create policies on academic basis. He referred highly to the great success attained by BIPA’s first batch of the Master Program. He said also that the program’s methodology is its main pillar, which provides administrative cadres with tailored training on decision making, policy creation and strategy administration that serves their individual institutions’ requirements. He placed this program at the top of p academic programs that satisfy the government’s needs through the development of its policies and programs to be in line with Bahrain Government Agenda and Economic Vision 2030.
Bin Shams highlighted that the Master Program in Public Administration is the first integrated academic professional program to stem from the study of the regional requirements and to address the administrative requirements of government action in whole. He added that the program is looking forward to preparing and qualifying government leaders for excellent performance of their administrative responsibilities and missions. He referred to the fact that the national and international partnerships added high qualitative value to the program, which is the fruit of cooperation with University Aix-Marseille in France, rated among the best 150 universities around the world. He also esteemed the partnership with Ecole Nationale d’Administration (ENA), which graduated a group of the world leaders and most of the French presidents. Bin Shams also pointed out the strategic partnerships on the national level with the University of Bahrain and Tamkeen.
Bin Shams pointed out that the Master Program in Public Administration is in line with BIPA’s vision of excellence in government performance for ensuring sustainable development. He said that this is the main focal point of BIPA’s officials at the present time as BIPA attempts to keep abreast of the recent developments and technologies showing that knowledge and experience are the key factors to the best practices and achievements in public administration.
He called upon specialists, students, scholars and those who are willing to develop their academic skills in public administration to join the new batch and benefit from the professional experiences and academic knowledge offered by leading international public administration practitioners and academicians. He said that the Master Program is such a unique experience around the region in general. He also stated that those who will join the Master Program are going to get an international certificate from University Aix-Marseille in France and a professional certificate from Ecole Nationale d’Administration in France. He mentioned that the Program is addressing both public and private sectors together with the various management leaderships. It comprises 16 modules and lasts for a couple of years.
Actual study will start on Thursday, 23 February 2017. Those who are interested in joining the Program can register via BIPA’s website: www.bipa.gov.bh/mpm before Thursday, 30 September 2016. Candidates should be Bachelor’s degree holders with a minimum experience of three years. Candidates should be good at spoken and written English and should enjoy high leading skills and management capabilities. Furthermore, they should first pass interviews successfully.