The Director of Information Technology and Science Knowledge at the Institute of Public Administration Mr. Hisham Al-Hashimi stated that the Institute will start using electronic registration system ultimately in next March, to accept nominations and applications for registration for various short courses and programs, in addition to the Institute's training programs, through the web site of the Institute, in order to provide more efficient and speedy services to raise the level of offered facilities.
Mr. Al Hashimi indicated that the Directorate of Information Technology and Science Knowledge held earlier a familiarization workshop to introduce the electronic registration system with human resource (HR) managers from various government ministries and agencies, where the objectives of the system were discussed that seek to reduce paperwork and consolidate information by entering data only once without the need for replication, and thus easy access to reports relating to all courses of an employee at the Institute of Public Administration during a certain period of time.
Mr. Al Hashimi added that the system contributes to proposing future courses for employees based on the available information, it also provides statistical reports relating to courses of each ministry, at first stage the electronic system was explained for human resource managers and then recorded their beneficial different observations. The HR managers praised this step which calls for an express completion of transactions and the easiness of communication with the electronic system.
In regard to communicating with training managers and authorized users, Mr. Al-Hashimi said the new electronic system provides after training support services such as providing additional courses if necessary for any of the authorized users to enable them to use the system, stressing that the Institute will seek to provide a continued support service for training departments through providing an exclusive telephone line and e-mail to respond to queries and problems that users may encounter, in order to activate the strategy of communication between the two sides.
It is worth mentioning that the final transition to the electronic system will begin after providing training to all authorized users and training managers, the system is expected to be operative eventually by next March, and until then the same paper-based nominations system will be used.