The Director General of the Institute of Public Administration (BIPA) Dr. Raed Mohammed bin Shams stated that Kingdom of Bahrain's hosting the 29th International Conference for Public Administration under the auspices of His Royal Highness the Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, came from BIPA's belief of the profound importance to highlight the depth of research, the assets of researchers and the national administrative achievements that we have in the Kingdom of Bahrain and the Arab countries, which reflects the uniqueness of the Arab and Islamic model through its features in administration.
Dr. Raed Mohammed bin Shams added that holding this conference in the Kingdom of Bahrain has a great impact in attracting experts, academics, researchers and those interested in public administration at various local, regional and international levels, especially in light of the adoption of the Arabic language for the first time as a third language in presenting worksheets as well as English and French, so as to enrich the main theme which revolves around the “Future of Administration: Leadership and Professionalism” which will contribute significantly to the fulfillment of the necessary requirements for the reform of the administration system, through the outputs that will cater for public policies for administration development.
In the same vein, bin Shams indicated that the Scientific Committee at the Institute of Public Administration has begun receiving worksheets to participate in the conference, which will be held in collaboration with the International Institute of Administrative Sciences (IIAS) and the International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration (IASIA) between 1 to 6 June of this year, where the Committee has invited all those who wish to participate to present their experiences and their administrative practices in line with the themes of the conference not later than 15th of the current month of February.
It is worth mentioning that currently summaries of research and working papers are being received (500-1000 words) in three languages to open the door for further knowledge exchange and attract experiences to enrich the field of public administration, where the conference addresses secondary themes that includes risks and future strategies, leadership in the future and creating innovative services for the future, more details about the conference can be found at the following address www.iias-iasia-congress2013.org.